This is a website report generated by webcheck 1.10.3. webcheck is a website checking tool for webmasters. It crawls a given website and does a number of tests to see if links and pages are valid. More information about webcheck can be found at the webcheck homepage which is located at
This report was generated on Sun Sep 18 00:02:50 2011, a total of 1234 links were found.
webcheck was originally named linbot which was developed by Albert Hopkins (marduk). Versions up till 1.0 were maintained by Mike W. Meyer who changed the name to webcheck. After that Arthur de Jong did a complete rewrite. webcheck is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2 or later). There is no warranty; not even for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the source for further details.
Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007 Albert Hopkins (marduk), Mike W. Meyer and Arthur de Jong
The files in this generated report do not automatically fall under the copyright of the software, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
webcheck includes the FancyTooltips javascript library to display readable tooltips. FancyTooltips is distributed under the MIT license and has the following copyright notices (see fancytooltips.js for details):
Copyright © 2003, 2005 Stuart Langridge, Paul McLanahan, Peter Janes, Brad Choate, Dunstan Orchard, Ethan Marcotte, Mark Wubben and Victor Kulinski
missing anchors
Find references to undefined anchors. This plugin does not output any files, it just finds problems.
site map
Present a site map of the checked site.
url list
Present a list of visited urls.
Present a list of images that are on the site.
external links
Present a list of external links present on the site.
not checked
Present an overview of pages that were not checked.
bad links
Present a listing of links that point to non-existent pages.
what's old
Present a list of potentially outdated pages.
what's new
Present a list of recently modified pages.
what's big
Present a list of pages that are large and probably slow to download.
missing titles
List pages without a title.
problems by author
Present an overview of all encountered problems per author.
about webcheck
Present an overview of the plugins that are used.